Saturday, March 28, 2015

Hungarian Hymns: Grant Me Tranquility

I spent last semester in Hungary, and I have a Hungarian hymnal, "Az Úrnak zengjen az ének." This hymn, "Adj már csendességet" by Balassi Bálint, is the first in the Lenten section of the hymnal. The title translates as "Grant me tranquility." Here's a video of the hymn:

During Lent, I've been singing the Psalms, and something I like about this hymn is that it feels very Psalm-like in topic and tone. It goes from lament about circumstances to mourning sin to trust in and praise of the Lord. Here are some of my favorite lines in both Hungarian and English (translation by Szirtes George):

Sok ideje immár, hogy lelkem szomjan  vár mentségére, 
Őrizd, ne hadd, ébreszd, haragod ne gerjeszd vesztségére! 
Through long years of penitence,
my spirit craved sustenance, desiring salvation;
Shield me and watch with me,
let not your enmity cause my damnation.

Nem kicsiny munkával, fiad halálával váltottál meg. 
Not without labour you saved me, my saviour, through death of your son.

Nem kell kételkednem, sőt jót reménlenem igéd szerint, 
Megadod kedvesen, mit ígérsz kegyesen hitem szerint.
Why should I doubt,
when despair is cast out in trust of your word;
Freely you’ll grant me
the grace not denied me, the faithful’s reward.

Repülvén áldjalak, élvén imádjalak vétek nélkül, 
Kit jól gyakorolván, haljak meg nyugodván, bú s kín nélkül!
Flying, I’d bless you,
adoring address you, my trespass defying,
Thus practiced in flight,
my soul being healed might I rise in my dying.

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